What are your H5P use cases?

It’s easier said than done, but to kick off a discussion space, I think one needs to know a little about the participants’ environment.

It would be interesting if you could share some information about the projects in which you use H5P or future works in which you plan to use it.

It would also be interesting to know why you don’t use H5P (assuming you know its usefulness if you’re here). Do you have any constraints or identified limitations? Have you found a way to overcome your problems?


  • Share your use cases
  • Share any obstacles

A quick poll to finish:

  • I already use H5P
  • I know H5P but don’t use it
  • I only know it by name
0 voters
2 « J'aime »

For my part, I have been using H5P extensively for 3 years now. I’ve particularly used H5P in two projects for creating open educational resources: PUNCHY and Flexisanté. In both cases, I used H5P to enhance existing resources and break them down into micro-content.

However, in my content creation process, I believe I’ve been using H5P in a rather basic way. I haven’t been able to fully tap into H5P’s potential to offer more dynamic resources yet. I would like to move beyond the traditional and standard framework of courses: lectures followed by exercises.

For instance, I would like to find good examples of “dynamic” courses, but with limited resources. Because time constraints are a significant factor in the field. I would like to find examples of creative of out of the ordinary courses.

Pour ma part, je suis une utilisatrice d’H5P depuis maintenant 3 ans. J’ai notamment utilisé H5P dans deux projets de production de ressource libre : PUNCHY et Flexisanté. Dans ces deux cas, j’ai utilisé H5P pour dynamiser des ressources déjà existantes et les découper en micro-contenu.

Mais dans mes médiatisations, je pense être dans une utilisation simple d’H5P. Je n’arrive pas à utiliser tout le potentiel d’H5P afin de proposer des ressources plus dynamiques. Je souhaiterais arriver à sortir d’un cadre classique et standard des cours : Cours suivi d’exercices.

Comme par exemple, trouver de bons exemples de cours « dynamique », mais avec peu de moyens. J’aimerais trouver des exemples de cours créatifs

3 « J'aime »

Hi, I don’t use H5P regularly, but I do train teachers in secondary and higher education.
Most of them plan to use it for exercises in a Moodle course.
The activities they prefer are: drag & drop, drag & drop text, crosswords, interactive videos.
They like using H5P but find it difficult the first time, especially in the Moodle context.
They find it useful for getting students to work on their own, but less suited to classroom use in interactive mode, like Kahoot for example.

3 « J'aime »

First of all, thank you for this great initiative and for setting-up this environment based on « Discourse » online community !

As for me, as I explained in our last virtual meeting in January, I have had the opportunity to experiment with H5P in 3 main contexts : as a user / learner, as an instructional designer and as a consultant / trainer, mainly on Moodle platforms, directly with H5P activities and indirectly with SCORM packages.

What I often noticed is that H5P activities were highly appreciated for their interactivity / rapid feedback / gamified navigation. The most used were: « Drag & Drop », « Multiple Choice », « Fill in the Blanks » and « Image Hotspots ». Some limitations were related to the complexity of the editing interface and the long list of options, as claimed by some users. That’s why I recommended the use of external tools such as LUMI, which could help to quickly create and easily reuse H5P file.

P.S : none of this text was generated using AI :smile: !!

4 « J'aime »